
First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Predictions

First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Forecast

  • Over the next 52 weeks, First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF has on average historically risen by 11.7% based on the past 6 years of stock performance.
  • First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF has risen higher in 5 of those 6 years over the subsequent 52-week period, corresponding to a historical accuracy of 83.33%
  • Is First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Undervalued?
    The current First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF [LEGR] share price is $46.61. The Score for LEGR is 60, which is 20% above its historic median score of 50, and infers lower risk than normal.
  • LEGR is currently trading in the 50-60% percentile range relative to its historical Stock Score levels.

Will First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Go Up Next Year?

  • Over the next 52 weeks, First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF has on average historically risen by 11.7% based on the past 6 years of stock performance.

First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Rating

First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF (LEGR) is a Buy

Is First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF overpriced?

  • First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF has risen higher in 5 of those 6 years over the subsequent 52-week period, corresponding to a historical accuracy of 83.33%

First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Stock Price History

Is LEGR stock going to rise?

  • Based on the share price being below its 5, 20 & 50 day exponential moving averages, the current trend is considered strongly bearish and LEGR is experiencing selling pressure, which indicates risk of future bearish movement.

Stock Information

Stock Info


52-Week Data

52-Week High:
52-Week Low:

Prediction Charts

Market Cap:
Price in USD:

Technical Analysis

52-Wk Change:

Stock Predictions

  • Is First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF stock public?
    Yes, First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF is a publicly traded company.
  • What is the First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF stock quote today?
    The First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF stock price is 46.61 USD today.
  • How to buy First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF stock online?
    You can buy First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF shares by opening an account at a top tier brokerage firm, such as TD Ameritrade or tastyworks.

14-Day Historical Data

Date Opening Closing Minimum Maximum
Dec-3 47.35 47.25 47.40 47.31
Dec-4 47.37 47.52 47.61 47.37
Dec-5 48.00 48.01 48.08 47.85
Dec-6 48.08 48.04 48.17 47.80
Dec-9 48.60 48.22 48.84 48.22
Dec-10 48.06 47.71 48.09 47.74
Dec-11 47.86 47.82 48.00 47.82
Dec-12 47.86 47.86 47.96 47.83
Dec-13 47.65 47.45 47.65 47.42
Dec-16 47.46 47.57 47.54 47.46
Dec-17 47.39 47.24 47.39 47.26
Dec-18 47.28 46.42 47.58 46.36
Dec-19 46.53 46.41 46.53 46.40
Dec-20 46.60 46.61 46.70 46.60

First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF Forecast Revenue Growth

Data Unavailable

* First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactn & Proc ETF stock forecasts short-term for next days and weeks may differ from long term prediction for next month and year based on timeline differences.